
My blog as I take on the challenge of reading Amazon’s 100 books to read in a lifetime!

As can be expected of an English Literature graduate, I love books and have read a lot of them. This does not necessarily mean that I have read the books we are ‘supposed’ to have read (I have read less than half of the books on the BBC’s The Big Read top 100 list).

What is interesting about Amazon’s latest “bucket list of books to create a well-read life” is its range: it contains books for children as well as adults; fiction, non-fiction, memoir, short story and graphic novel; classic and contemporary texts.

As with all such lists it cannot satisfy everyone, favourite books are very personal things. Amazon’s editorial director said that the team tried to create “a roadmap of a literary life without making it feel like a homework assignment” – hopefully something to enjoy and learn from!

Amazon.com’s complete list: http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=8192263011

Esther Cheesman

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